DEOS have become a well heard voice in Bulgarian politics. Given that the party was founded only a couple of months ago, this came as a surprise to many observers and was far from obvious back in February when Darin Stoykov - one of the founders of DEOS - first found out about Discuto in the Chrome webstore.
At the time, it was obvious that there might be a window of opportunity to create a political party that would foster pluralism, democracy, and cohesions combined with a clear orientation towards the European Union - something that was clearly missing in Bulgaria.
Therefore it was essential to quickly move from discussion and dialogue to action. Darin immediately sensed the potential of Discuto to involve supporters. Discuto would help to discuss the statutes with supporters, highlight controversial issues and help agreeing on pertinent principles in a quick and efficient way. Supporters could contribute whenever and wherever they wanted. Agreeing quickly on regulations would help to move on quickly and focus on strategy, marketing and building the organisational structures needed for effective campaigning.
Deos successfully agreed on the party statutes in 3 separate discussions. Each of these rounds was on a different sections of the regulations. The discussions were public but interested people were nonetheless invited through Discuto. DEOS received significant feedback which helped to resolve controversial issues, improve regulations, and communicate the aims to a wider audience.
We are also grateful for the feedback we received from Darin. While some of it is already implemented we are still discussing a more fundamental suggestion concerning the voting widget, i.e. changing the meaning of voting buttons to “like” and “don´t know”. This suggestion is obviously in line with the general inclusive nature of DEOS that value ideas and suggestions and consider them as something to be fostered rather than selected.
About DEOS: DEOS try reigniting interest of Bulgarian for politics, supporting a democratic society, pluralism and cohesion while fostering a market economy that is an integral part of Europe. Overall DEOS want to bring about a wealthy and active society that is build on strong morals and a well developed social security system which is supported by and focuses on the people. Much importance is laid on children and financial support regarding education. More information on www.deos.bg